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Intel 칩셋 업데이트 v9.1.1.1025
2009. 12. 24. 22:16
Intel 칩셋 업데이트 유틸입니다. 간단하게 다운받으신 후 실행만 하시면 됩니다. ^^
▶ 홈페이지 : http://www.intel.com/
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● 지원 칩셋 : 목록에 없는 칩셋이라도 대부분 지원합니다.
# Intel® 5 Series Chipsets
# Intel® 4 Series Chipsets
# Intel® 3 Series Chipsets
# Intel® 900 Series Chipsets
# Intel® 800 Series Chipsets
# Intel® Server/Workstation Chipsets
● 갱신된 점
- Implemented workaround for a Bluetooth pairing issue
- Implemented /v”extractdrivers=<path>” switch
- Installer modified to properly handle the Windows Hardware Error Device* for Windows Server 2008
- Fixed issue where installer was giving a misleading error message
and exit/result code when update is not needed
- Fixed issue where installer would overwrite the whed_dev.inf for the Windows Hardware Error Device*
and cause the test to fail